Access Keys for Training Courses

What are they and where do I find them?

Russell Collins

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

When you first join a course through the volunteer training website you will be prompted to provide an Access Key. Volunteer applications allow us to steer volunteers toward the programs that best suit their abilities and interests, and Access Keys allow us to control who gets involved with each task. 

If you are looking for an Access Key...

  • As a new volunteer; 
    • ensure that you've completed all the proper registration steps, including a volunteer interest form and application. The appropriate Access Key may be in your welcome message.
    • Check your spam or trash folders for messages from Learning Ally. A message with a key may have been caught.
  • If you are already volunteering; 
    • contact a training staff member through Twist. Go Messages on the Twist interface and send a new message to Russell Collins for assistance. 
    • You may also use the email [email protected] to contact the training staff.

When requesting an Access Key...

Make sure to request access to a specific course. Presently, there are courses in narration and proof-listening for textbooks and another set of courses for narration and proof-listening of literature titles.

Please note that access to the training does not guarantee that some volunteer tasks will be available. We may choose to limit the number of active trainees to balance the ratio of volunteers to book projects. 

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