PDF Bookmarking Volunteer Resources

What is a volunteer PDF Bookmarker?

Audrey Santos

Last Update 2 years ago

We’re looking for volunteers to support staff on the pre-production side of book production, adding important notes/edits to PDF books for textbook narrators and proof listeners. This is important because the bookmarked copy of the PDF is used as visual contextual guidance for volunteer narrators and proof listeners when creating books.

Please note that a volunteer in this role must already have extensive experience and mastery with understanding project conventions, and be a current and active member of the Textbook community as either narrator, proof listener, or both. Reading conventions are the established Learning Ally rules that guide volunteers in book production to ensure consistency throughout the volunteer community and book project catalog.

To get started: 

1. Please make sure you've submitted an application to volunteer with Learning Ally. If you've already submitted the application,Have additional questions? Please reach out via Twist or use the Support Chat on this website. Learning Ally staff members will respond to you as soon as we can. Thank you! please skip this step. How do you know if you've submitted an application? If you receive emails from us, you are likely already in our volunteer database.

2. Review the PDF Bookmarking Instructions to start training for this role.

3. Join us on Twist: Twist is an app that serves as a group chat for our Audiobook Production Volunteers and volunteer team leads.

Head to the Textbook LaunchPad Twist Channel and click the JOIN button at the lower right to enter. Once you're in, you can click on the Bookmarking/Reviewer Questions thread to meet additional volunteers and ask questions. 

Have additional questions? Please reach out via Twist or use the Support Chat on this website. Learning Ally staff members will respond to you as soon as we can. Thank you!

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