How do I pronounce THAT?!

Adventures in language

Eleanor C

Last Update 2 năm trước

Pronunciation is a big challenge in audiobook narration...from unusual or fantasy names to foreign language passages to scientific terms. 

We are trying to provide a Pronunciation Guide in Pozotron for most Literature titles so be sure to check there first. If one exists for the title you are recording, you can click on the "Pozotron" tab in the project portal, and once in Pozotron, click on "Pronunciation". If a researched list exists you should be able to click on the "microphone" icon and hear a recorded pronunciation that our volunteers have researched and created for you. Your Project Manager should usually clue you in to an existing researched list as well at the start of a project.


We have also compiled a list of guides and resources that may help! 


If this doesn't help, please reach out to staff for more guidance. 👍

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