Setting Up A Recording Session In Audacity

For Mac users


Last Update 2 jaar geleden

  • Open Audacity.
  • Make sure your session specs on the bottom of the Audacity window match the requirements.
    • The project rate should be 44100

Caption: Bottom of Audacity screen

  • When you create a track (make sure it's mono), double-check the track settings.
    • To the right of the track name, click the down arrow and navigate to 'Format' -> click '24-bit'
    • To the right of the track name, click the down arrow and navigate to 'Rate' -> click 44100 Hz

Caption: Menu selecting 24 bit in Audacity

Caption: Menu selecting 44100 Hz in Audacity

  • Check above the track window that your mic is selected as the input device.
    • The input should be set to your microphone; input 1 or 2 depending on where the mic is plugged in on your interface.
  • The output should be set to your headphones or speakers.
  • Record a mono track for VO and Audiobooks.

Caption: Input and Output options in Audacity

  • You can also find the input and output options in the Preferences menu by navigating to 'Audacity' -> 'Preferences' -> 'Device'

Caption: Audacity Preferences menu

  • Set the pre-and post-roll by navigating to 'Audacity' -> 'Preferences' -> 'Recording'
    • Choose the amount of pre-roll you want. The default is 5 seconds.

Caption: Audacity preferences menu

  • Ensure Punch and Roll Record is enabled by navigating to 'Transport' -> 'Recording' -> 'Punch and Roll Record'
    • You can also use the shortcut 'shift + D'

Caption: Enable Punch and Roll Record in Audacity

  • Record ‘arm’ your track by clicking the red record button.

Caption: Pause, play, stop, rewind, fast forward, and record buttons

  • Start recording.
    • Audacity is a destructive DAW.
      • This means if you record over any audio, the audio you recorded over is now gone. Remember to constantly back up and save your session.
      • Audacity does NOT auto backup. Keep this in mind and always save copies!
    • Listen through your files to ensure you did not cut off any breaths or words.
      • Re-record these lines if needed.
  • Export your audio as .wav or .mp3
  • Go to 'File' -> Select 'Export' -> 'Export as wav' or 'Export as .mp3'
    • Choose the export settings that match the specs you were given.
      • Export at 44100 Hz/24-bit

Caption: Export menu in Audacity

Caption: Export menu in Audacity

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