Literature Book Spec Guidelines, And Literature Conventions

Audrey Santos

Last Update hace 2 años

The purpose of having book specs is to ensure consistency and quality across all of our audiobook solutions. Our mission includes ensuring our audiobooks support our student's education and empower them as readers and learners.

Our students often come to Learning Ally after a long struggle with reading. For them, our audiobooks can be a revelation making them feel optimistic about reading, often for the very first time. So you can imagine the disappointment they would feel if a book they've downloaded doesn't meet their expectations because of poor quality, whether it's an audio problem, a consistency issue, or a poor performance. Our students are counting on us!

Literature Conventions and Book Spec Sheets

The following documents are overviews. Please refer to the Literature Conventions document for any specific questions. If your question is not answered, contact your Project Manager or Producer by @mentioning them on Twist.

For LAABS reading guidelines, refer to this document.

For Graphic Novel reading guidelines, refer to this document.

For a list of Textbook Conventions, refer to this document.

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